raumarbeiterinnen hosted a performance workshop weekend on October 26th and 27th under the theme "Collective Movement." The workshops aimed to create a space for performative explorations. Together with Sophie Adelt, Tina Streich, and Tomaž Simatović, participants explored questions such as: How do we influence each other, and how does our coexistence affect our movements? How do I move alone in a world where we exist together? What impact do my movements have on my environment, and vice versa? How can I learn to read and understand movements and the emotions conveyed through them?
The individual workshops combined tasks and exercises focused on spatial perception, movement, language, and interaction, aiming to offer a wide range of performative expressions within the theme. It was an invitation to engage in a process of space-making, rich in observation, listening, and sharing physical presence.
WORKSHOP Sophie Adelt
if my body had a body
WORKSHOP Tina Streich
vivid body
WORKSHOP Tomaž Simatović
choreomania: awakening the kinaesthetic sense
20:00 PERFORMANCE Tina Streich: dance class
SONNTAG 27.10.24 @Raumschiff + art university
09:00 MORNING YOGA with Theresa @art university
on co-practicing and individuality
10:00 -12:00 breakfast @Raumschiff
12:30 - 15:00 WORKSHOP Tina Streich @art university
vivid body
15:00 coffee and cake @Raumschiff
16:30 - 19:00 WORKSHOP Tomaž Simatović: @art university
choreomania: awakening the kinaesthetic sense
if my body had a body -
Stimme und Körper im Raum
In this workshop, we will work with our voices on a spatial level, using body movement to expand the sound field. Through vocal and rhythmic exercises, we will create loops and (dis)harmonies, and by applying methods from improvisation, we will generate spontaneous compositions that may serve as new material for (later) fixed pieces.
Anna Sophie Adelt is a musician who completed her sculpture studies in 2023 with the performance "Joy as an Act of Resistance." She currently practices Mysore-style, Gaga dance, and Nuad regularly.
Fotocredits: Sara Pineros
Vivid Body is a Fusion of Contemporary and experimental choreography. I'm inviting you to stimulate your imagination, to feel the vibrations of your body, creating as a group, developing flexibility and to explore speed, shapes and your own inner creativity. The class will end with a small choreo which I choreographed. We will use different rhythms, our voice, words and melodies. I'm inviting you to connect to our passion to move and to explore the endless possibilities of your creativity. You don't need any experience in dance to participate.
Tina Streich (Choreografie, Konzept, Performerin) arbeitet als freischaffende Tänzerin, Choreografin und Filmemacherin. Sie kreiert Körper im Raum, Bewegungen als Geschichtenerzähler*innen, gezeichnete Körper, Körper, die viel erlebt haben und viel erzählen. Sie möchte persönlichen Themen wie Neurodivergenz, Klassismus, Feminismus und Mobbing mehr Sichtbarkeit verleihen, Menschen sensibilisieren, Strukturen und Gewohnheiten hinterfragen und entstigmatisieren. Inklusive Arbeit wird nicht „über“, sondern „mit“ Betroffenen gemacht. Trotz der Ernsthaftigkeit der Themen möchte sie die Stücke immer wieder mit Humor und einer Prise Selbstironie bestreuen. Das ist ihre Art, mit den Dingen umzugehen und sie als potenzielle Quelle der Kreativität zu nutzen.
In this workshop we will be focusing on how to awaken the kinaesthetic sense through the practice of somatic listening, manifesting our individual kinaesthetic energy through movement and channeling it towards the emerging collective movement. Tomaž will briefly introduce his research on choreomania, the dancing madness of Middle Ages, as an example of historical collective movements that gave rise to spontaneous large-scale dance rituals, seen by historians as a collective healing and expression of freedom against tyranny and oppression. From this historical context we will dive into the movement practice of the now. As part of ´The Bodyspeaking Project Tomaž will share some principles from the Bodyspeaking practice, a form of movement meditation, cultivating interoceptive awareness and mindfulness through the act of somatic listening. The workshop is intended for
Tomaž Simatović, born in Slovenia, is a practicing artist, performer, and choreographer living in Austria. His work is experimental and is practiced through performance, teaching, research, and writing. He is interested in participatory formats, performance, and research as practices for socio-political and personal awareness. He completed his dance studies at SEAD Salzburg and earned his MA in Choreography at ArtEZ Arnhem (NL). Over the past ten years, he has taught at universities and academies in Europe, the USA, and Asia. Tomaž initiated The Performing Solidarity Project, a work that addresses the themes of solidarity and human rights through performance.He was twice awarded the Life Long Burning Program Scholarship for his research and participation at I.CI – CCN Montpellier, and in 2018 he received the Annual Performing Arts Grant from the State of Salzburg for his project Participatorium.
Mit Unterstützung von , Stadt Linz, Raumschiff, University of Arts Linz
raumarbeiterinnen hosted a performance workshop weekend on October 26th and 27th under the theme "Collective Movement." The workshops aimed to create a space for performative explorations. Together with Sophie Adelt, Tina Streich, and Tomaž Simatović, participants explored questions such as: How do we influence each other, and how does our coexistence affect our movements? How do I move alone in a world where we exist together? What impact do my movements have on my environment, and vice versa? How can I learn to read and understand movements and the emotions conveyed through them?
The individual workshops combined tasks and exercises focused on spatial perception, movement, language, and interaction, aiming to offer a wide range of performative expressions within the theme. It was an invitation to engage in a process of space-making, rich in observation, listening, and sharing physical presence.
WORKSHOP Sophie Adelt
if my body had a body
WORKSHOP Tina Streich
vivid body
WORKSHOP Tomaž Simatović
choreomania: awakening the kinaesthetic sense
20:00 PERFORMANCE Tina Streich: dance class
SONNTAG 27.10.24 @Raumschiff + art university
09:00 MORNING YOGA with Theresa @art university
on co-practicing and individuality
10:00 -12:00 breakfast @Raumschiff
12:30 - 15:00 WORKSHOP Tina Streich @art university
vivid body
15:00 coffee and cake @Raumschiff
16:30 - 19:00 WORKSHOP Tomaž Simatović: @art university
choreomania: awakening the kinaesthetic sense
if my body had a body -
Stimme und Körper im Raum
In this workshop, we will work with our voices on a spatial level, using body movement to expand the sound field. Through vocal and rhythmic exercises, we will create loops and (dis)harmonies, and by applying methods from improvisation, we will generate spontaneous compositions that may serve as new material for (later) fixed pieces.
Anna Sophie Adelt is a musician who completed her sculpture studies in 2023 with the performance "Joy as an Act of Resistance." She currently practices Mysore-style, Gaga dance, and Nuad regularly.
Fotocredits: Sara Pineros
Vivid Body is a Fusion of Contemporary and experimental choreography. I'm inviting you to stimulate your imagination, to feel the vibrations of your body, creating as a group, developing flexibility and to explore speed, shapes and your own inner creativity. The class will end with a small choreo which I choreographed. We will use different rhythms, our voice, words and melodies. I'm inviting you to connect to our passion to move and to explore the endless possibilities of your creativity. You don't need any experience in dance to participate.
Tina Streich (Choreografie, Konzept, Performerin) arbeitet als freischaffende Tänzerin, Choreografin und Filmemacherin. Sie kreiert Körper im Raum, Bewegungen als Geschichtenerzähler*innen, gezeichnete Körper, Körper, die viel erlebt haben und viel erzählen. Sie möchte persönlichen Themen wie Neurodivergenz, Klassismus, Feminismus und Mobbing mehr Sichtbarkeit verleihen, Menschen sensibilisieren, Strukturen und Gewohnheiten hinterfragen und entstigmatisieren. Inklusive Arbeit wird nicht „über“, sondern „mit“ Betroffenen gemacht. Trotz der Ernsthaftigkeit der Themen möchte sie die Stücke immer wieder mit Humor und einer Prise Selbstironie bestreuen. Das ist ihre Art, mit den Dingen umzugehen und sie als potenzielle Quelle der Kreativität zu nutzen.
In this workshop we will be focusing on how to awaken the kinaesthetic sense through the practice of somatic listening, manifesting our individual kinaesthetic energy through movement and channeling it towards the emerging collective movement. Tomaž will briefly introduce his research on choreomania, the dancing madness of Middle Ages, as an example of historical collective movements that gave rise to spontaneous large-scale dance rituals, seen by historians as a collective healing and expression of freedom against tyranny and oppression. From this historical context we will dive into the movement practice of the now. As part of ´The Bodyspeaking Project Tomaž will share some principles from the Bodyspeaking practice, a form of movement meditation, cultivating interoceptive awareness and mindfulness through the act of somatic listening. The workshop is intended for
Tomaž Simatović, born in Slovenia, is a practicing artist, performer, and choreographer living in Austria. His work is experimental and is practiced through performance, teaching, research, and writing. He is interested in participatory formats, performance, and research as practices for socio-political and personal awareness. He completed his dance studies at SEAD Salzburg and earned his MA in Choreography at ArtEZ Arnhem (NL). Over the past ten years, he has taught at universities and academies in Europe, the USA, and Asia. Tomaž initiated The Performing Solidarity Project, a work that addresses the themes of solidarity and human rights through performance.He was twice awarded the Life Long Burning Program Scholarship for his research and participation at I.CI – CCN Montpellier, and in 2018 he received the Annual Performing Arts Grant from the State of Salzburg for his project Participatorium.
Mit Unterstützung von , Stadt Linz, Raumschiff, University of Arts Linz